Thursday, June 24, 2010

If a bee was buzzing by Bush's ear would he yell he's under attack by the 'terrorist'?

No but if he was stung he would swear he was a victim of chemical warfare.If a bee was buzzing by Bush's ear would he yell he's under attack by the 'terrorist'?
Sweetie did the little yellow bus forget to pick you up this morning?If a bee was buzzing by Bush's ear would he yell he's under attack by the 'terrorist'?

This question is just dumb, how immature.
I think you are too young to be in this section.
Is it so hard to imagine that not everyone reacts the same way you do?
You seem to have a couple of your low IQ friends to follow your troll. Go to the beach for a week or two.
Wow, packed the pipe a little tight this morning, eh?

Watch out, they're gonna get ya......
apparently you've been stung by the mental disorder bee....
Weak trolling.
You are making no sense. Don't you have chores to do before mommy gets home?
The only thing that catches his ear is his buddies from haliburton
He would say that they have weapons of mass destruction and declare war on bees.
He absolutely would and V.P. Dick Cheney would shoot it.
Yes- and then he'd send 100,000 troops after it to find the hive and keep them there for 10 years!

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