Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What is your way of explaining the birds and bee's to your children?

Birds are not harmful but bees do.What is your way of explaining the birds and bee's to your children?
I would do it without beating around the bush. I'd be very frank, blunt, and straight to the point. My son is only 7 months old, but I don't plan on putting a ';Disney'; spin on it when the time comes.What is your way of explaining the birds and bee's to your children?
how old are they?
I you find a good answer let me know

I have to do it soon too

have a kid who's turning 10 soon
I just told them the truth
I dunno ... I dont have any children yet lol
discovery channel
My daughter asked me where babies come from when she was about 5. I so was put on the spot, I told her that you prayed to God for a baby, and hopefully he answered your prayer...I so did not know what to say...Somehow, I think she must have been told something by someone else. She said to me, come on Mom, tell me where they really come from and none of this God stuff...I told her there was a little more to it, but that I would REALLY like to talk to her father before getting into it...and she never asked me again....I have been waiting for the day she will, can't say I am any more prepared...but I have had three years to think about it...I hope the answers you get will help ME...
My mother explained it to me when I was young a little differently. She told me that it was like a little bird trying to crack open a seed with its beak. She then told me that when I got older I was going to have a strong urge to use my little beak to crack seeds but that I would have to wait until I was married or god would take my beak from me.

I hope that helps

Im Just Joe
my mom gave me the books when i was 8. she said if i wanted to know i would have to read the books.
idk..i never got that talk....
I told my kids the truth without getting too technical. When they ask questions I answer them honestly in a manner they can comprehend.
Answer just their questions, simply but truthfully. Don't tell them anymore than they ask for.
The cold hard truth with emphasis on birth and disease control.
You're on your own,dude.Good Luck!

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