Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why is the Bee colored White and Black???

Yellow and black are the two most contrasting colors. Check out airplane propellers. The blades are black, but the tips are yellow, so that even when they are spinning very quickly, they can be seen.

Animals in nature generally adopt one of two protections against predation. Either they blend into the background to try to avoid being seen by their predators, or they have some defensive mechanism. Monarch butterflies, for example, taste nasty. Their bright colors are to advertise that they they taste nasty. A bird that has eaten one monarch butterfly will never eat another. Similarly, the coral snake advertises its dangerous with its bright colors. The animal doesn't want to waste the energy in fighting off a predator when it can use colors to warn predators away.

A bee can sting a bird or other predator, but it would rather not. When the bee stings, its stinger is left in the wound, attached by a barb on the end. It is ripped out of the bee's abdomen, and the bee will die. By brightly advertising, the bee is saying, ';Don't eat me; I will hurt you.'; This saves its own life as well as the life of any possible predator.Why is the Bee colored White and Black???
Because you are lame.Why is the Bee colored White and Black???
cuz bees are color blind...and because that's the result of natural selection...u got a problem with that? huh? hehe

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